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Sena SR10

SR10 Features Part 2: SR10 Features The SR10 impresses. It is the solution for connecting and managing multiple devices and leverage the advantages provided by a common radio while still maintaining a wireless connection with the helmet, with portability and multi-system compatibility. Does it do everything I expected? Not completely. But considering Bluetooth features and limitations, along …

Sena SR10 Form, Fit and Functionality Part 3: Sena SR10 Form and Function All of the nitty-gritty details regarding the construct of the SR10 were provided in Part One of the Sena SR10 review, so I won’t repeat everything here but will instead focus on what I see as some salient form observations. The SR10 is …

Using the SR10 Part 4: Using the Sena SR10 This is “where the rubber meets the road: in a sense. And with a lot of time spent in testing and using the SR10 adapters with many different devices over the last several months, its strengths, weaknesses, limitations and “bugs” become evident. Two of the radio …

SR10 Software Management Part 5: Software Management As lamented at the end of Part Two: Sena SR10 Features, a few issues and observations impacting SR10 functionality and performance remained outstanding, so I was really looking forward to the first firmware update. Nevertheless, continued use of both SR10 systems, along with a growing list of Bluetooth helmet …

SR10 Compatibility With Other Intercoms Part 6: SR10 Compatibility With the version 1.1 firmware incrementally loaded, I repeated most of the common pairing and functionality tests with the updated SR10 devices and Bluetooth headset systems. As applicable, observations regarding functionality and performance between the two firmware versions and the respective Bluetooth systems paired with the …

Sena SR10 Review: Part 1 of 6 The much-anticipated Sena SR10 Bluetooth “hub” has arrived! I viewed a prototype of the SR10 at the 2011 Dealer Powersports Expo (report) in Indianapolis back in February of this year. Sena has been working on the SR10 ever since and they sent a pair for this review. We’re …