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Squire Locks

We’ve covered a lot when it comes to motorcycle security.  From the lightweight Xena XX10 Disk Lock Alarm (we highly recommend these as long as you don’t forget they’re on the bloody disc), to the more traditional chain-method involving the Squire Motorcycle Lock and Chain, there’s a lot out there that’s been designed (or at …

Squire Motorcycle Wheel Lock Big “D” shaped lock is about as hefty as they get. Probably wouldn’t completely stop a thief, but it should slow them down for a while. The folks at Squire Locks read our review of the Squire ML2L Motorcycle Disc Lock and sent us this monster Paramount Plus wheel lock to …

Squire Motorcycle Lock and Chain Super hefty lock and chain is about as big and thick as they come. The looks and the feel of this combination should be enough to intimidate a potential thief. You’re looking at what has to be the biggest, baddest and most intimidating motorcycle lock and chain in the world. …

Squire ML2L Motorcycle Disc Lock Appears to be high quality and more robust than other disc locks of its type. The shackle may not be long enough to fit around some brake discs. Trying to find statistics regarding motorcycle theft in the U.S.A. is like trying to find the formula for changing lead into gold. …