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Autonomous Technology

Amidst the gigantic leaps in improvement that we have seen for the electric mobility space comes a niche of advancement that we don’t often think of when it comes to motorcycles: Voice Assist technology.  Sure we don’t need it, but many manufacturers are already integrating voice assist into their own brand bikes – from Harley-Davidson’s …

It’s been a while since we heard that motorcycle manufacturers were tinkering with the concept of radars for bikes – and motorcycle safety, in general, has been harder now that technology is ramping up to the point where we’ve got autonomous vehicles ready to share the road.  To that effect, CycleWorld tells us that Kawasaki has …

The advent of autonomous vehicles has led to a big question mark hanging over the future of motorcycling. AI-driven cars are smart, logic-driven machines, equipped with modern technology and innovative safety features. Motorcycles are quite the opposite. They can be dangerous, they can be irrational, and it’s their thrilling nature that makes them so attractive …