My Riding Gear History Like many including myself when I first began riding, I had no issues spending money on a jacket. Back in the day how it ‘looked’ seemed more important to me than how much protection it offered. Textile riding gear was not a big thing and the only company who ‘seemed’ into …

My Marrakesh Introduction Ugh, jackets. I have searched long and hard for a 12 step program for jackets. Bags too. The problem with both is they are legal to purchase, carry and wear be it in public or in the privacy of my own home. One of the only reasons I’m happy with my age-failing …

For me, motorcycle gloves are almost as important as my helmet. In 2001, I was looking at a pair of Held gloves at Helimot’s shop since Helimot sponsored our team. When I asked him the price and he said “Mark they are $450.00.” GULP WTF did he say!? When he saw my expression he simply …

Introduction I’m the guy who can often be found eating dessert before the meal or breakfast at dinner time. So I’m going to start off by saying the Zero DSR is an incredible experience. There, saved everyone loads of time. Haters can start bitching right away and fanboys can say I told you so. Simple …

Table of Contents Introduction I wanted to state my primary reason for writing this article. As much as I searched, I could find little to nothing about the actual ownership of CAKE bikes. Sure, there are tons of videos produced by CAKE or created by those who have done demo rides. I’m wise enough to …

A Brief Overview Unlike some owners, I don’t use my bike for commuting to and from work. Many owners do. Nope mine is just for recreation, so after a year the 1,956 miles amassed to date are just fun miles. There are plenty of articles, forums, and videos about the Sur Ron Light Bee. I …