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Motorcycle history

Well, this was a fun bit of news to stumble across as I drank my morning gallon of caffeine.  The Company Names Tribunal of the UK’s government website appears to hold an application from Norton Motorcycle Racing Ltd. – and they’re requesting a company name change.  Let’s chat about it. The history of Norton Motorcycle …

An electric bike company has just bought the trademark for a motorcycle with roots in the bikes of the Soviet’s Red Army – and the early prototype has already set a speed record at the Bonneville Salt Flats.  Delfast is a brand that does brilliant things with their electric bikes.  Despite being far from the …

The 1960s was a transformative time for the motorcycle industry. As the mobility culture shifted from affordable motorcycles to affordable four-wheelers, the industry found itself at something of crossroads and on the cusp of an identity crisis. The 60s would bring about the beginning of the end for the British industry, an unexpected rise of …