Mr. Moto Quick Polish

Manufacturer’s Information

Category : Quick wax, cleaner, polish
Manufacturer : Mr. Moto Products
Type : Aerosol Can, 6 oz. (178 ml)
Retail Price : $8.56
Made In : U.S.A.

Claims – “One step detailer.  Quickly cleans and waxes.”
For Use On – Glass, painted surfaces, chrome, aluminum, plastic and other surfaces.
Claimed Features – One step detailer.  Anti-static.  Quickly cleans and waxes.  Anti-fog properties.  Fingerprint free.  Reduces water spotting.  Removes tarnish. Works especially well on dark colored surfaces.  Cleans road grime, insects, oxidation and de-tarnishes aluminum.

Application –  “Rinse off any heavy-duty deposits”, spray a light mist, then “clean and polish”, which we take to mean “buff out”.  Let dry then buff again.  Contains wax and silicone and is polymer based.(UPDATE:  As of April 2007, it appears that Mr. Moto is no longer in business.  If anyone has information regarding this, please contact us at ).  VP Racing Fuels has notified us that they still have some Mr. Moto products in stock.

Where to Buy Mr. Moto Quick Polish

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See More: Polishes & WaxMotorcycle Chain Lube, Motorcycle Accessories

Our Opinions

Mr. Moto probably doesn’t have the advertising budget of the big guys, but we’re impressed with some of their products.  Their Quick Polish One Step Detailer works well and we think it’s one of the best of the “quick and easy” spray on/wipe off polish products.It has a funky watermelon-type smell and leaves a “just polished” feel on the paint, unlike some other quick polish products that leave a “squeaky clean” feel, which seems to be an indication that there isn’t much protection left on the surface.

Mr. Moto Quick Polish is easy to apply.  It comes out as a fine mist and it’s easy to buff out to a nice shine.  It doesn’t seem to leave any streaks, which is important — some of the “quick polish” products do seem to leave streaks.  It does seem to work nicely on darker colored painted surfaces, per the manufacturer’s claim.

Can be purchased from manufacturer.  Available by the can or by the case.

Score:  5/5

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