Mr. Moto Motorcycle Wash

Mr. Moto Motorcycle Wash

Manufacturer’s Information

Category:  Motorcycle wash
Manufacturer: Mr. Moto Products
Type: Plastic Bottle, 32 oz. (947 ml)
Retail Price: $8.32
Made In: U.S.A.
Claims – “Specially formulated for motorcycles; removes tough stains; won’t streak or spot.”
For Use On – Entire motorcycle.
Claimed Features – Use with dirt bikes or street bikes.  Floats away grease.  Creates sheeting action that won’t leave streaks or spots.

Application – Use straight from the bottle.  Wet the motorcycle, spray on, let stand for 2-3 minutes, sponge or brush stubborn dirt. Rinse and dry.(UPDATE:  As of April 2007, it appears that Mr. Moto is no longer in business.  If anyone has information regarding this, please contact us at ).  VP Racing Fuels has notified us that they still have some Mr. Moto products in stock.

Where to Buy Mr. Moto Motorcycle Wash

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Our Opinions

Mr. Moto Motorcycle Wash is another one of the specialized motorcycle wash products that are basically trying to reinvent the wheel.We haven’t found this product to work any better than a basic car wash liquid soap mixed with water.  Spraying the product takes time and gives a real hand workout, and we found that most of the time, a sponge or fleece wash mitt had to be used anyway.

We also found that it does leave a film and some wax and polish products will streak if they’re applied after this product has been used.

Can be purchased from manufacturer.  Available in a variety of sizes, up to a 55 gallon drum.

Score:  1/5

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