Motorex Clean & Polish

Motorex Clean & Polish

Manufacturer’s Information

Manufacturer: Motorex
Category: Quick wax, cleaner, polish
Type: Aerosol Can, 500 ml (16.9 oz.)
Retail Price: $7.95
Made In: Switzerland

Claims – Non-streaking, lasting shine.
For Use On – Metal, plastic and painted surfaces.
Claimed Features – Cleans and polishes.
Application –  Spray on, allow to set for 1 minute, polish with clean cloth.Our Opinions

Motorex products are popular in Europe, but distribution in the U.S. is spotty, and they may be hard to find at local retailers.Comes out of can in a wide swath and instantly creates a foamy, bubbling spray.  Seems to leave surfaces “squeaky clean”, with no feeling like there’s a wax residue.  We’re not sure if this is good — we think a polish should have a smooth, waxy feel instead.

It’s not clear what the difference is between the Motorex Clean & Polish and the Motorex Protect & Shine; the container doesn’t have any information that explains this either.

This product doesn’t appear to have an especially distinguishing characteristic, and our opinion is that it doesn’t compare favorably to other “quick polish” sprays like ProtectAll or Mr. Moto Quick Polish.

Score:  1/5

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Where to Buy Motorex Clean & Polish

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