Meguiar’s Gold Class Vinyl & Rubber Protectant

Meguiar’s Gold Class Vinyl & Rubber Protectant

Manufacturer’s Information

Category:  Vinyl, rubber cleaner & protection
Type:  Spray bottle, 24 oz. (710 ml)
Manufacturer:  Meguiar’s
Made In:  U.S.A.
Retail Price:  $4.99

Claims – “Brings back richness and color to vinyl, plastic and rubber.”
For Use On – Vinyl, rubber (not motorcycle tires), trim, saddlebags.
Claimed Features – “Uses a premium, complex blend of ingredients…  Doesn’t leave the greasy or plastic look.  Help prevent surfaces from drying, fading or cracking.  UV protection.”
Application –  Spray on and wipe off

Where to Buy Meguiar’s Gold Class Vinyl & Rubber Protectant

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Our Opinions

Any vinyl and rubber treatment formula will have to go a long way to beat our favorite, Black Again.Our container of Meguiar’s Vinyl & Rubber Protectant has a spray top with a complicated design that leaks.  The sprayer’s pattern is also too wide, causing some overspray on smaller sized motorcycle parts.  Feels sort of “greasy” when applied.  The liquid seems thicker than Armor All.

Contrary to Meguiar’s claims, it feels “greasy” to us when applied to items like saddlebags with a grained surface.  It also doesn’t feel like it dries – the “greasy” feeling remains.  Leaves an acceptable finish, but very shiny, again contrary to manufacturer’s claims.

This product is readily available at a discount in most auto parts stores and other retailers.

Score:  2/5

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