Meguiar’s Gold Class Bug & Tar Remover

Meguiar’s Gold Class Bug & Tar Remover

Manufacturer’s Information

Category:  Bug, tar remover
Type:  Spray bottle, 16 oz. (473 ml)
Manufacturer:  Meguiar’s
Made In:  U.S.A
Retail Price:  $5.95
Claims – “Quick and safe way to dissolve road tar and bugs.”
For Use On – Painted surfaces.
Claimed Features – “Makes hard to remove contaminants disappear. Super, penetrating formula.  Advanced dissolving action.  No scrubbing…no rubbing.  Won’t leave smudges or smears.”
Application –  Spray on, work into painted surface with 100% cotton, terry cloth towel.  Wait 30 seconds.  Remove with separate clean towel.  May require second application.

Where to Buy Meguiar’s Gold Class Bug & Tar Remover

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Our Opinions

Motorcycles seem to attract more bugs and road grime than any other vehicle.  Bug residue should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent paint damage.  Some bug residue can be very caustic — the so-called “Love Bugs” in Florida can cause extreme paint damage and erosion right down to the surface of the metal in a very short time.Using a high-quality wax or polish can help maintain a slippery surface and can also help prevent paint damage.

We’ve found that Meguiar’s “Gold Class” brand cleaners and waxes usually work better than many of their mass-market competition.  The Bug and Tar remover works well if the instructions are followed.  Our opinion is that the product works better than other types of bug and tar removers we’ve tried, and it works better than non-dedicated bug removers, such as Glass Plus.

This product is readily available at a discount in most auto parts stores and other retailers.

Score:  4/5

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