Harley LiveWire vs. Tesla Model 3 in a Drag Race

drag race

Two or Four Wheels?

For most folks, the only thing that matters about the LiveWire is that it’s electric and too damned expensive. However, there’s no denying that the motorcycle’s performance is pretty good. But how good is it really and how does it compare to the Tesla Model 3 Performance?

I’m not going to sugar coat things here or hide the results. The LiveWire wins the first race, but only barely. It managed to cross the finish line in 11.67 seconds and reach a top speed of 109.87 mph. The Tesla made the run in 11.72 seconds at a top speed of 113.19.

But that wasn’t it. The duo ran again and the LiveWire finished in first again, clocking an 11.65-second finish at 110.53 mph. The Tesla ran a slightly quicker 11.71-second quarter mile at 114.11 mph.

On both runs, the Tesla hit higher top speeds. The motorcycle, however, manages to launch quicker than the car, but the Tesla makes up ground over the course of the run. In the video below from DragTimes, you can see the runs. It’s pretty entertaining and there are plenty of people crowded around the track. Check it out below. 



  1. Darren-p
    April 8, 2020

    any sales figures for the live wire?
    talk is fairly pessimistic
    and now the Harley investors want to return HD to it’s roots …..

    anyway , I’m not a fan but the more diverse motorcycling manufacturers we have , the better

    • April 14, 2020

      Hi Darren, sorry this slipped past me. I don’t have any sales figures for the LiveWire specifically. I don’t think Harley was planning on selling boatloads of them. It sounded to me like the company had managed its expectations, so as not to be underwhelmed. I would be interested to know where the sales numbers stand.

      • darren-p
        April 14, 2020

        indeed , think hd were hoping for a thousand sales or so?

        don’t think they’ve got close in their preferred timeframe

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