Germany Could Impose Huge Noise Crackdown Which Would Impact Motorcycles


The Fight Against Loud Pipes

Pollution comes in all forms, and that means legislation to fight it will come in all forms, too. In Germany, noise pollution has been targeted. Loud motorcycles are now being targeted by a new proposal. In Baden-Wurttemberg there could be heavy fines or any bike louder than the EU’s 78-decibel noise limit, according to Visordown.

In German, France, and the UK, there are signs with sound meters on them. If a vehicle is too loud, the sign lets them know. Currently, there’s no penalty attached to them. These signs simply let motorists know if they are too loud, but that could change in the future. 

One of the things noted by Visordown and other outlets is that German Transport Minister Winfried Hermann proposed to ban any and all aftermarket motorcycle exhausts as well as any factory exhaust modifications. The proposal also suggests outright bans of motorcycles from certain areas. 

I’m not one to suggest that loud pipes save lives. That’s an argument I’m not particularly partial to, and I’ve been annoyed by extremely loud motorcycle exhausts before, but these kinds of proposals are troubling. It will be interesting to see how things shake out in Germany and in the rest of Europe. We could be heading for similar restrictions in North America. 


  1. Kurt
    March 2, 2020


  2. geoff davies
    March 2, 2020

    emissions are what are important than the sound at times.i know in Australia they will stop you fine and say the bike is not road worthy until it is quieter

  3. Gary Johnston
    March 2, 2020

    Have these people really got nothing better to worry about, in the world we are living in currently?
    If there is a particular problem with loud bikes (which incidentally I hate) there is plenty of specific European-based anti social behaviour legislation which could do the job, rather than this blanket nonsense.

  4. Andy Ford
    March 2, 2020

    Science is certainly on the side of us who want motorcycles to quiet down. This, and other noise pollution, is increasingly seen as a public health issue. And riding loud is abusive behavior. Loud pipes have never saved lives although proper training, loud colors and intelligent riding do.

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