Eagle One Nanowax

Eagle One Nanowax

Manufacturer’s Information

Category:  Motorcycle polish, wax
Type: Pump bottle, 16 oz. (472 ml)
Manufacturer: Eagle One
Made In: U.S.A
Retail Price: $9.99
Claims – Uses nanotechnology.  Fills fine scratches and conceals swirl marks.
For Use On – Motorcycle chains and cables.
Claimed Features – Cleans brake dust, chain lube and “road soil”.  Can leave on longer for more cleaning power.
Application –  Apply with provided pad.  Manufacturer recommends using micro-fiber towel to buff out.

Our Opinions

Has a lemony-vanilla smell.  Leaves a haze on all the painted surfaces we’ve tried it on.  Seems to take out some very minute swirl marks.Pump bottle is poorly designed; the polish comes squirting out around the tube on our bottle and has done this since new.

In our opinion, a slightly above average polish.  Doesn’t work as well as Glare Professional Polish (the best by far, in our opinion) or Meguiar’s NXT Tech Wax (the best of the mass-market polish/wax products, in our opinion), but better than most.  Results in a good shine on most surfaces with crisp light reflections.

Score:  2/5

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