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Tips & Tricks

It is a relevant fact that riding a motorcycle, by the very nature of it, is objectively more dangerous than driving a car. You have two small contact patches with the pavement instead of four larger ones, you are exposed to the elements instead of wrapped in metal and glass, and you are smaller than …

Parking your motorcycle in a safe and secure environment should be a high priority for any rider. Motorcycles are vulnerable vehicles and they can easily degrade if left exposed to the elements. The rain, sun, wind, and snow can cause serious damage to a bike, accelerating rust and corrosion, discoloring parts, and even causing some …

First things first, riding while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not okay nor do we condone it. Riding a motorcycle takes skill, intuition, and focus at all times. Riding on anything but the “top of your game” is never a smart idea. Though you may be able to legally ride a motorcycle …

Lane filtering is a controversial topic amongst motorcyclists, motorists, and other road users. Filtering, otherwise known as lane splitting, is a practice that’s widely accepted in many countries around the globe but has never gained much traction in North America. Over the last few years, interest in changing filtering laws has grown but as that …