Wizards Mist-n-Shine Quick Detailer

Wizards Mist-n-Shine Quick Detailer

Manufacturer’s Information

Category:  Quick detailer

Type: Spray bottle, 22 oz. (650 ml)

Manufacturer: Wizards Products

Made In: U.S.A

Retail Price: $14.25

Claims – “Anti-Static; Anti-Streak; No Silicone; No Oily Film; Slippery; High Gloss.”
For Use On – “Use on paint, chrome, glass.  Safe for paint, clear coat, metal, glass, plastic and rubber trim.”
Claimed Features – “Safely removes dust, bugs, mild road grime, oily fingerprints and light water spotting.  Perfect for use as a waterless wash.”

Where to Buy Wizards Mist-n-Shine Quick Detailer

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Our Opinions

Mist-n-Shine is a “quick detailer” product.  It seems to be rather watery; in fact, it looks like, spreads like and feels like water, but it does a decent job of very light cleaning, dust removal and it gives a bit of a shine.

We don’t think it’s any better or worse than other commercially-available “quick detailer” products we’ve tried, and it’s much more expensive than most, but perhaps its formulated to work with the Shine Master/Supreme Seal treatment.

Our favorite quick detailer, Britemax #6S Spray & Shine, hasn’t been dethroned.

See also our review of Glare Sahara, a quick cleaner and polish spray that we liked.

Conclusion:  Seems very expensive for what it does.

Score: 2 out of 5

Review Date:  October 2007

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Where to Buy Wizards Mist-n-Shine Quick Detailer

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