Yamaha Power Beam

Yamaha Power Beam Anti-Vibration Chassis Damper for Motorcycles

Yamaha “Power Beam” Adapted From The Yamaha Performance Damper Is
Claimed To Be The “World’s First Anti-Vibration Chassis Damper for Motorcycles”.

March 17, 2011 – Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. has developed a motorcycle-specific version of its anti-vibration damper used for automobile chassis and will release it in Europe on April 20, 2011 as an optional accessory for the Yamaha TMAX.

The Yamaha Power Beam is claimed to be the “world’s first mass-produced motorcycle chassis anti-vibration damper” by the company.

Yamaha Motor originally proposed the Performance Damper in 2000, and since its first use as a production unit for mounting automobile chassis in April 2004, it has helped boost cornering performance and comfort on a variety of select automobile models.

The product name of this anti-vibration damper for motorcycle chassis is the “Yamaha Power Beam”. It has been developed specifically for the Yamaha TMAX, the automatic transmission super sport scooter popular primarily in the European markets.

The Power Beam was developed to absorb motorcycle chassis torsion and vibration with the same effectiveness as the acclaimed Yamaha Performance Damper for automobiles in order to offer a ride with a greater feeling of stability.

Yamaha stated that there is usually a small degree of flexing that takes place in the frame of a motorcycle when in motion. The metal frame of a motorcycle is in fact an elastic body with little damping capacity with regard to this flexing, so it fully receives the external forces that cause flexing (distortion) and then releases them in cycles of flexing that occur at specific frequencies.

The new Yamaha Power Beam adds damping capacity at one point on the frame to absorb the energy of these flex-inducing external forces and release it as heat energy. This inhibits the otherwise extremely high-speed flexing of the frame to provide a more comfortable ride and a greater sense of stability.

No other information was released at this time.

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